Friday, July 07, 2006

Ok, so ask a question and I will answer it.

1) Why did you call it "Allergic 2 Umbrellas?"
a: It was named after the first strip

2) Is that drawing supposed to be you?
a: Yes. It is based on comic strips I drew in zines in which I depicted myself.
I watched alot of anime back then.

3) Alot of your comics are about Texans. Why?
a: Because they are easy targets.

4) Do you come from a graphic design/ art background?
a: Hahah, no, not at all.

5) Batman or Superman?

6) Are you bald?
a: Not at the moment, but I didn't want to draw hair.

7) Are you REALLY a scientist?
a: No, but I don't want to reveal too much about myself. I am a laboratory technician/ supervisor and I sometimes wear a labcoat and frequently use test tubes and graduated cylinders and other lab equipment. Sometimes I have to do math. I also do 'office'things.

8) Why do your comics look different sometimes?
a: I'm an artist. I'm not under contract to a syndication firm that has contractual guidelines. If I want to draw a panel, I will. If I want to use a ruler to ensure clean lines for text, I will. Fountain Pen? Charcoal? Balsa wood and wood burning tool? It's my choice.


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